Thursday, March 6, 2008

Saving nature,just for man?

In the aricle, the auther said,"A sane environmentalism is entirely anthropocentric: it enjoins man to preserve nature, but on the gounds of self-preservation". I am quite amazing to see this sentense, as always I was tought that" Hey , girl ,to protect our environment . We have only one earth", which indicated nature was over man. But thinking it deeply, I found that what the article elucidates was actually true.

The reason why we want to protect our nature or our earth is not to show sympathy over other creatures. If yes,our ancestors would not make so many creatures be extinct. What makes us now take actions to protect the environment is that the bad ecosystem or pollution has threatened our humans' own benefits. Assume that we have found another planet that is exactly the same with the earth or is much better than our earth and it is costless to move there, will you appeal for the urgency to protect Mother earth any more?

Somewhat I am disappointed about our morality. Hoho, I need to establish my confidence upon human.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Are you "Green"?

Are you "green" ? Hehe, do not be surprised about this question. I am not asking you if your skin is green, but whether you concern with the environment or not.
A green person, obviously, is a person who is deeply concerned with the environment. He believes that he can make contributions to the environment. However, the person who is not green does not think so. He never thinks what he does will have an impect on the environment , as an individual seems to be so small compared with the big topic "environment".
A green person will always do things that are helpful to our environment. He won't throw rubbish everywhere. He won't leave with the tap leaking. He will take a bus or MRT if time is allowed. He will buy the products - like certain cars and stereos – which are made specially to save energy.
A person who is not green is different. It is said that the Tiananmen Square is full of cachous after the national day. A not green person is always such a person. He do not care about the environment. He likes to do whatever he wants regardless of the bad influence. He will make noise even though it is late at night. He will spit everywhere even though nearly everyone disagrees with him. Hoho, so 'cool ' as a not green person.
Are you green or not, dear friend?